
Expert articles

In recent months, we have published a variety of editorial articles in trade magazines. However, the articles are only available in German.


Sounds paradoxical, but it’s definitely doable  


Personalisation and mass customisation are regarded as global mega-trends. But how are these trends to be perceived? Do they perhaps only apply to advertising products? How are they connected with printed media? And is mass customisation just hype or a sustainable trend? No, it’s certainly no hype. Because printed media was predestined for customised mass production.


Baby boomers unite with digital nativesbaby

Programmatic printing is a relatively new and exciting development that has an impact across different generations of the population. Addressing a specific generation, however, is no prerequisite for success. Addressing high-level strategic decision-makers, on the other hand, is a must. 


Digital natives and access to print media

digital natives

Today’s printing industry is characterised by two waves. One is a change in generations, the other a shift in technology. The two waves overlap and their momentum is doubled. Were Aristotle alive today, he’d say that print shops cannot direct the wind and the waves but they can adjust their sails.


Go ahead! Give print mailers a shot!


In the past, couriers sat “high on yellow stagecoaches” and criss-crossed the German countryside at a leisurely pace. Travellers looked out at fields, meadows and pastures, enjoyed a drink of frothy barley at the staging post and “would have loved to stay on”. But, once fresh horses were harnessed, the wheels began turning and the coach resumed its journey. And that’s how it has been over the past 150 years. Nothing can stop the progress of postal services.